Thursday, January 21, 2010

Perfect Roasted Potatoes from

I love the delightful blog, Chocolate & Zucchini, written by a young, Parisian woman named Clotilde, who write about her passion for all things food related.

photo by me
Her blog post of January 12, 2010 was titled Perfectly Roasted Potatoes.  Clotilde's description sounded so yummy I had to try them.
The potatoes are parboiled before roasting but the real trick is shaking the drained potatoes in the pot before adding to the HOT roasting pan and oil.
This leads to a crispy crust, moist interior and shorter cooking time.

photo by me
Hopefully you can see the nicely "crusted" potatoes.  I served them with grilled salmon and "mushy peas"

Try the potatoes and checkout the blog, Chocolate & Zucchini

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