Thursday, February 4, 2010

Granola Love

I'm not usually a big granola fan but my friend, Beth, insisted that I try this addictive recipe.  She told me it was made with maple syrup and used olive oil instead of a vegetable oil.  The recipe was from the NYTimes and based on a recipe from Early Bird Granola.  Then I saw a recipe in the Feb'10 issue of Martha Stewart Living based on the same Early Bird formula and knew I had to try it.

I made my granola following the NYTimes recipe.  The author is correct, it is a perfect balance of sweet and salt.  The "Martha" recipe uses 1/4 cup less maple syrup and I think that would be just fine.  Of course you can tailor the concoction to your taste by using your favorite nut and dried fruit combination.  Almonds and dried cherries with cloves or walnuts and raisins with nutmeg as in the "Martha" combination.  
    Fortunately, you'll be blessed with 7 cups of granola.  Plenty for you    and enough to share with a friend.  I had  granola on top of greek yogurt this morning and it was AWESOME!   Give it a try for yourself.  Click here for the NYTimes recipe.


  1. I love granola on yogurt, my mom used to make the best homemade granola, and I haven't made any in years. This recipe looks fantastic, thanks for sharing!

  2. all kinds of yummy! granola is fattening..but the good kind so its okay!


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