Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Help and I Need Help...I'm working on my taxes!

The Help
I'm reading The Help for our next book club selection.  Set in the early '60's, it deals with race and female relationships.  Nice character development.
This book was one of the 10 must-read books for Spring on an NBC Today Show segment.

I'm working on my taxes.  NOT FUN!  Luckily I just have to get the information gathered and someone else will enter the information and due the calculations.
Have you started to work on your taxes yet?  Has anyone filed and gotten a return yet?


  1. Filed, with return due on Friday. We'll see. Not a fun year for taxes.
    (like any year is?)

    It is so good to read you again Deborah! I have MISSED YOU! (blogger hasn't let me in in over 4 months :( )

    Keep us posted on how you're liking The Help! It's on my list, but about halfway down, heehee.

  2. Hi Sarah. OHHHHH I've missed you. I was just thinking of you the other day. Where have you been? I'm so glad you are back.

  3. All my paperwork is finished up, I just have to take it to the accountant! I try and do mine the first week of January so it is done and out of the way!

  4. ugh i dread tax season...but it's all done by now...don't hate me!


  5. I've been meaning to read this book, glad to see that you have!! -Jacqueline N.


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear from readers of Spiral Style