Monday, February 1, 2010

New Month, New Designs, New Giveaway

February already!   Winter is literally "blowing" by here in Michigan.  We haven't had much snow and it has been a rather mild winter.  To usher in the new month I'm offering this necklace as a giveaway.  The necklace is 17 1/2 inch sterling silver open heart linked to chain.  I will randomly choose a date in February.  I will take all comments for that day's post and randomly select a winner.  So to be eligible, you must be a follower and post a comment for the selected day.  That's it.  The winner will be announced March 1.

I want to introduce you to a blog, Yellowgoat, by fellow Etsy shop owner and jewelry designer.   (Read her profile to understand her name)  She designs lovely, whimsical jewelry and hails from Hong Kong    
Today she posted a giveaway from photography by riot jane.  Click here to check out riot jane and the giveaway.


  1. beautiful necklace! simple and elegant....

  2. Gorgeous necklace! I so want to win it, your work is absolutely lovely!

  3. i love this design! i hope i win!



Thanks for your comments. I love to hear from readers of Spiral Style