Thursday, March 4, 2010

Book: Eat Cake

Eat Cake is a book that is not all about baking or eating. This light read is about a normal  family that is turned upside down when Ruth's mother comes to live with her family, her husband looses his job and then Ruth's father (estranged from his wife, now living with Ruth) falls and breaks both wrists and moves in with the family as well.  With only a two month severance, Ruth's husband is not looking for a new job with much energy.  He really wants to refurbish boats for a total career change.  Ruth's parents squabble and bicker.  To escape the new reality, Ruth bakes cakes.  She imagines herself in a cake as her "safe place".  Ruth is an amazing baker.  With encouragement from others, Ruth bakes cakes to save her family.  This book is a "feel good" book.  The characters are not completely developed and the ending is very tidy but the book is fun.  I highly recommend this for a relaxation read. 

1 comment:

  1. I haven't sat down to read a good book in a while, I will put this on my list!


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