Thursday, March 25, 2010

Egg Cups for Easter

Egg cups are so genteel.

Antique Porcelain Royal Vitreous Egg Cups and Plater Etsy $70  
2 Adorable Ceramic Pastel Easter Egg Cups ebay $17.99
3 sweet pair of vintage porcelain egg cups from japan Etsy $8
4 Apilco Plain White Accessories 1.8" Baby Egg Cup $17.95 

But I never use my egg cups in the traditional way.  
I like to use them at Easter for decoration and display.

1 Spring Flowers in Egg Cup Containers  2 Eggshell Flower Arrangements
 3 Tiered Bouquets  4 Green Grass in Eggcups
Ideas from Martha Stewart

Soft-boiled-egg Candles
Martha Stewart


  1. Ha! How funny...we just bought new egg cups this weekend! I was laughing about it, saying 'Whodathunk I'd ever find myself buying *egg cups*?!' But we had a goo for sof-boiled eggs last weekend and had none.

    Never really thought I'd have a true need for a gravy boat, either. I was wrong about that, too. Good thing my husband thinks about food beyond cereal, ramen noodles and toast! :)

    Still, I agree...our new egg cups are so stinkin' cute that I want to fill them with something purty and set 'em out around the house! I had no idea what to put in them...until now! Thanks...great ideas!

  2. I just had to be another person to randomly check out the egg cup post! It's great! I love the egg cups on the cake stand, very cool.


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