Monday, March 8, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I'm back from vacation
Luckily it isn't nearly as cold as when I left.  The snow is almost gone and the ice is melting on the pond.  I'm sure we are in for lots of more cold weather but a hint of spring is sure than welcome.  I'd love to dash out and plant pansies or something.
While I was on vacation I got to read lots of books.
I finished this book on the plane last night.  Seems like I see people reading this book everywhere I go.  It is a suspense novel that is dark and twisted.  There are several stories going on at once.  The characters are rather shallow people for the most part and I didn't warm  up to any of them.  Lots of casual sex, sexual abuse, suicide, rape, and murder.  Not a pretty picture of Swedes.  BUT I was very intrigued by the "murder mystery" that the protagonist and "the girl with the dragon tattoo" are hired to unravel.  I would recommend this book to those who love a good suspense novel.

I found out that I am one of 4 winners of the Scrubz giveaway on the Made in Canarias blog.
Can't wait to get my sugar scrub.
My 15 1/2 year old dog is glad to be out of the kennel and back home.

Hope your week is off to a great start.

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