Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday at the DIA

We had a rainy, gray weekend in Michigan.
Hubby and I spent Sunday afternoon at the Detroit Institute of Arts.  Luckily we caught this great print exhibit before it ends, March 21.  

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The Buzy Bee, Eli Jacobi, 1938 2 Open Air Barber, Louis Lozowick, 1939 
3 Picnic, David P. Chun, c. 1935/1943  4 Night Repairs, Louis Lozowick, 1939,

This exhibition features around 100 prints created under the Federal Art Project, a unit of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) created in 1935 to provide economic relief to Americans during the Great Depression. Like railroad workers, miners, farmers, and anyone out of work, artists were recognized as a special group of laborers in need of financial assistance.

A photo exhibit featuring photos taken in Detroit 
was also showing.

Drive-In Movie, Detroit, 1955

Detroit Experiences: Robert Frank Photographs, 1955

Over 60 rare and many never-before-seen black-and-white photographs taken in Detroit by legendary artist Robert Frank are the subject of this exhibition. The work was created while Frank traveled throughout the United States in 1955 to take photographs for his ground-breaking book The Americans, published in 1958.

If you live in the Detroit area, try to get a chance to view these images.  
The DIA is truly a treasure in a city with so many problems.

If you ever get a chance to view WPA prints, take the opportunity.  The techniques of print making displayed are astounding.  The subject matter is thought-provoking and quite timely.

Have a great Monday.

Night Repairs, Louis Lozowick, 193

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