Friday, May 28, 2010

Flyin' Away

Hello dear Spiral Style readers.  I left Michigan for a Bahamas getaway today.  I tried a different "airline" called YellowAir Taxi.  Just a 9 seater plane and I got to ride in the co-pilot seat.  Loved watching the broad vista spread out in front of us...just sea and sky and the occasional ship below.  
So before the real vacation begins, my plan is to paint the upstairs of our house before hubby and some guests arrive next week.  I'll share before and after photos next week.  

Hope you had a great week.  Do you have plans for the holiday weekend?  Parades or picnics?  One of my most memorable Memorial Day observances was visiting Arlington National Cemetery and observing the flags on all the graves.  Very poignant.  

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