Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Photo Challenge: Special

This week's photo challenge is Special

I have a special box where I keep cards and letter that were sent to me for birthdays, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, anniversaries, thank-you's and "just because".  When I look at all the wonderful sentiments and notes, I feel very special and loved.

Click on the icon below to see the other entries for the photo challenge.

The Big Photo Challenge


  1. I keep all my cards as well. I love looking at them. I am not much of a pack rat but this is one thing I refuse to let go of. I always carefully consider each card I buy. I like to think the cards I have received over the years were just as carefully picked out. Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed week!

  2. Love the cards - that is a LOT of cards too! Thanks for linking up - I just posted this week's challenge by the way :)


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