Monday, July 12, 2010

Melbourne: The Bay and Mornington Peninsula

I was in Melbourne for the weekend and met up with dear friends I hadn't seen for years.  As it was my first trip to their city, I was given a fabulous tour, acquainting me with history, neighborhoods, foods and particularly the coastline.  

As we were driving, I had to stop and take this photo with the sun illuminating just these boats. The Melbourne skyline is in the dusky background.  
Sunday we drove down the Monrnington Peninsula, to the east and south of Melbourne.  The views were breathtaking.
Jump in, swim south, and you'll wind up in Tasmania.  
Lunch at Merricks General Wine Store Bistro helped me get over the fact that I didn't see any kangaroos or koalas!  

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome, Debbie! Enjoy and give my love to Rich.


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