Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've been back from Australia for a week now and I want to thank Steve and Amanda for their very entertaining and informative guest blogs.  I also want to offer feedback on some products I've talked about in earlier posts.

I highly recommend wineskin.  I brought two bottles of wine back from Australia in my checked luggage.  Both bottles arrived intact.  There is a "bubble wrap" inner liner surrounded by a tough plastic skin.  A very sticky adhesive seal the package and IF the bottle would break, it couldn't leak if sealed properly.  Click here for the wineskin website.

April 14, I blogged about vertical gardening, specifically, Woolypockets.  I purchased several of the Wally Three model.  You can see my present result in the photo above.  I learned that to hide the planting pocket, you need to choose plants that cascade.  About 2/3 of the plant material is herbs and the remaining are foliage or flowering plants.  I really enjoy having plants on the deck wall and growing in the Woolypockets is easy.  Once the plants are in place just water and fertilize occasionally.  
I saw the Wienermobile this week and just had to have hot dogs for dinner tonight.  Potato salad with fresh dill and tomato salad rounded out the picnic meal on the deck.  But I never know what wine goes with hot dogs.  (I don't like beer) 


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear from readers of Spiral Style