Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sydney Beaches

Sydney Harbour provides the city of Sydney and the surrounding suburbs with a wide variety of beaches.
Palm Beach is about an hour drive from Sydney and the most northern suburb.  This is the beach of the rich and famous.  Nicole Kidman vacations here.

Balmoral is a harbour beach with small waves, great for families.  This structure used to be the Surf Club but is now The Bathers' Pavilion, a wonderful spot for coffee or a meal.

internet photo
Manly Beach, a 20 minute ferry ride from The Opera House, is considered to be the jewel of the north shore beaches.   Manly is located on a narrow peninsula, surrounded on three sides by water, it offers both harbour and ocean beaches.  Manly has both a trendy vibe and family atmosphere.  

Eat your heart out Snooki and The Situation.  The Jersey Shore does not begin to compare with the beaches of Sydney.

1 comment:

  1. I'm amazed how you managed to get shots of the beach so empty! I like to drive the coastal route here on my way to the self storage facility sometimes. It's a nice quiet place to think before a full day of transporting mobile pods.


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