Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Antique Farm Apparatus as Art

A few weeks ago I was at an Antique Market in Ann Arbor.  There is a vendor who deals in industrial and agrarian implements to display as art.  I have been looking for something 3D to display on the stair wall.  I found these rusted, spoked, parts of machinery that were perfect for the wall.  
I used construction paper models taped to the wall to decided where to display the 5 pieces.  Then I went to Home Depot looking for a way to hang them.  I found these great hangers that are made for drywall that you just poke into the wall with your hands.  
Click on the instructions photo to see how it works.
Here is a photo of the installed "art".  I'll be going to the Antique Market in September to see what I can find to add to the wall.  I'm also thinking I need new sconces!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the last photo of the art on the wall by the stairs.. wow those are amazing. I love antiques and searching for that special piece.


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