Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Thing Leads to Another

We've had Sydney for three weeks and she is showing great promise as a Leader Dog.  She has been on many public outings and remains under control and calm.  She is learning to obey commands and is mostly house broken.  Following Leader Dog requirements, we needed to acquire a crate for Sydney.  Which led to ...
... reworking the mudroom.
Custom laminate counter top mounted on adjustable Ikea table legs and an Ikea shelf with drawers and charging station from Target clearance.  Which led to ...
...adding shelves in the coat closet for bins to hold the mittens, scarves, and hats.  Add to that a bin for boots and a bin for dog food.  
All the closets in the condo were unpainted and pathetic.  
Which led to ...
... painting all the closets in the condo and installing ClosetMaid shelving systems.

Closet space is maximized for our personal paraphernalia leaving space for guests belongings. 

And that is what we did on our summer vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Sydney!!! And way to go on your closets, they look transformed, that's great Deborah!



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