Monday, October 25, 2010

More Hooks

I goofed and published Monday's post on Sunday so here are more ways to hang up your coats.
These hand hooks are another clever way to hang up your coat.  

Hope you had a good weekend.  We did.  We went to the Detroit Institute of Art Film Theatre and watched The Rules Of The Game, a French "comedy of manners", produced in 1939.  This film is thought to be one of the greatest films in the history of cinema, just behind Citizen Kane.  The story is a scathing look at corrupt French society on the brink of WWII. 

I also spent hours shopping for wool, camel color trousers.  Lots of khaki, lots of stretch pants but no classic wool pants.  I give up.  I bought some brown trousers and if I eventually find camel, I'll be ecstatic.  

Happy Monday

1 comment:

  1. They are soo cool. Thanks for sharing


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