Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Flavor of the Week: Mustard

Mustard is so much more than a condiment for hotdogs.  
The seeds of the mustard plant are mixed with water and vinegar and other liquids, flavorings and spices to create a thick paste.  There are so many varieties available and it seems each culture and cuisine has it's own variation.  Grocery store shelves are filled with flavors from ball park to wasabi flavored to mustards with orange and honey.  I can't begin to cover the array of mustard and uses but hopefully you'll be inspired to include mustard in your food preparation.  Look for a new mustard flavor and give it a try.  Keep several varieties on hand and remember to use them when you want to add some extra flavor to a dish or just spread some on a sandwich.  

Uses for mustard:
  • as an emulsifying agent in vinaigrette
  • flavor addition in sauces (Hollandaise)
  • add to barbecue sauce and marinades
  • use in glazed for fish, chicken and meat
  • condiment commonly served with pate, charcuterie, and cheeses
  • key ingredient in deviled eggs
  • add to potato salad
  • top a soft pretzel
  • give some zip to an otherwise ordinary sandwich or panini 

Here are a few recipes using mustard

Chicken Diable is about the easiest meal you can prepare.  It uses prepared mustard, (like French's or any store brand) nothing fancy.  Kids love this because it is sweet.  Or try this Martha Stewart recipe for Apricot-Dijon-Glazed Chicken.  Another sweet-chicken, kid favorite.
Mustard is a great accompaniment with sausages.  Here a whole or coarse grain mustard and honey mustard partner with polish sausage.  The warm potato salad has Dijon mustard in the vinaigrette dressing.  

1 comment:

  1. I just recently started using more mustard and have been enjoying it, funny how we outgrow foods that we disliked when we were younger. Going to have to try the Martha Stewart recipe soon.


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