Friday, December 10, 2010

Guest Post from Barely Vogue: Holiday Accessories

I am very excited to introduce you to my blogging friend, Sahitya.  She is the author of Barely Vogue , her blog, where she dishes about her passions of fashion, shopping and styling.  Sahitya was kind enough to a post of Holiday Accessories.  Thanks Sahitya!

I am please to be here to do a guest post for Spiral Style.  Thanks to Deb for giving me this opportunity.

Holiday Season not only calls for gift buying but lets everyone splurge for all the upcoming parties.  Over the years I have spent so much money on impromptu purchases  like an array of cocktail dresses which are now just collecting dust in my closet.  This being the case, now I make it a point to spend less on the entire new collection and I try to play around with what I have by jazzing up the look with fun accessories by investing in some great accent pieces.  This not only saves a lot of money but makes your old dress look entirely new.  Here are the few additions to my closet I will be welcoming his season.  If you haven't before, stop by my blog Barely Vogue to say hello.  Happy Holidays!

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