Friday, January 21, 2011

Food Lover's Companion

Rather than a flavor of the week, I thought I'd share a book that all food lovers should have on their shelf.
I have a whole bookcase devoted to cookbooks in my kitchen, not to mention all the recipes stored on my computer.

As it states on the cover of this book, it contains "comprehensive definitions of over 6000 food, drink and culinary terms".  These definitions are of food related terms from world-wide cuisine.  You'll also find explanation of cooking tools as well as some descriptions of food preparation.  Ever wonder what salsify is?  Did you know nijisseiki is another name for Asian pear.  Food Lover's Companion will answer those questions.  

Just as important as the definitions is the appendix of the book with charts and guides.  Here are some examples:
  • Ingredient Equivalents 
  • Substituting Ingredients 
  • Safe Cooking Temperatures
  • Smoke Points of Popular Oils
  • Pasta Glossary
My favorite is sections is Seasoning Suggestions.  Look up the food you are preparing and you'll find all the spices and herbs to compliment that food.

With Food Lover's Companion  on your shelf you'll feel more confident to experiment with food preparation and seasoning.  
Have a spicy weekend.  See you on Monday.


  1. thanks for the recommendation! i'm a total foodie - this book sounds like a must-have : )

    happy weekend!

  2. I also love this book, my weakness is I have a ridiculous amount. Anything with yummy looking pictures and you can be sure I own it!


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