Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Musings: Planting Coconut Trees

While walking in Hope Town Saturday morning...
...I saw this gentleman biking with these coconut saplings over his shoulder.  He was on his way to plant them in someone's yard.  

Meatless Monday
We eat a lot of black beans, especially in the Bahamas.
This soup is very easy and VERY cheap.  $.62/can of beans X 2 plus some onion, chiles and spices and you have dinner.  Top with sour cream and a sprinkling of chopped cilantro or some shredded cheddar cheese.  Even though the recipe says "spicy", I would double the spices and maybe add some crushed red pepper or chopped chili in adobo.  Lots of fiber and protein to this soup.  Enjoy with a spinach salad and cornbread.  This would be a great meal to prepare on a boat on in a vacation house.  Easy to have the ingredients on hand.  Click here for the recipe.
Happy Monday everyone!

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