Monday, April 11, 2011

Quick Crab Cakes for Meatless Monday

Here is a great idea for Meatless Monday.  Start the week off on a high note with these delicious crab cakes.  They are quick to prepare so a fast meal when you get home from work. 
This recipe is from Tyler Florence and you can view it here.I like the flavor of these crab cakes because they have some Asian flavors working: fresh ginger, red chili paste, cilantro.  I served the cakes with a salad and side of pineapple, mango salsa.  The recipe includes directions for baby bok choy which would add a bit more time.  Save time by using panko in place of fresh bread crumbs.  
No fresh crab at your market?  No worries.  I asked the fishmonger what he used to make the crab cakes in the seafood case and he waved to the cans of crab claw meat across the aisle.  A 1 lb can was about $15 but there were no shells or waste.  A bit pricey I know but only 80 calories per 1/4 lb serving.
I've talked about this cookbook before and it is no secret I am a Tyler fan.  Click here for the cookbook review and another recipe.
Happy Monday

1 comment:

  1. Those look amazing. Can you believe I've only eaten crab once in my life? I can't either, I think I need to remedy this ASAP! :)


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