Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Clouds

Yesterday was one of those perfect summer days:  temps in the 70's, low humidity and a bit of a breeze.  While I was out for a run I was watching the clouds.  

They were the billowy, fluffy cumulus variety.

Watching the sky made me think of this Georgia O'Keefe painting that hangs in the Art Institute of Chicago.  The painting comes to mind every time I fly and the plane is above clouds.  

Here are some fun cloud-centric finds from Etsy.

Large Cloud Factory Ceramic Sculpture $50 PearsonMaron

Tiny Silver Cloud Earrings $19 amandadeer

Mount Taylor painted landscape tile $52 liveclay

Enjoy your day!


  1. Those are cool cloud things...

    love the earrings ♥

  2. What a beautiful collection of clouds! Makes me miss summer already... love your blog, the images are beautiful. Well done! xLaura


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