Friday, September 9, 2011

Fall Transition

Labor Day  arrived and so did fall.  Morning temperatures dipped into the low 50's with daytime temps cool as well.  It is time to start thinking beyond flip flops and tank tops.   

A recent J Crew email featured this idea of how to wear a pencil skirt now and later.  I love a pencil skirt and the J Crew skirts fit me well so I'll be following their advice.  

Today I switched from my floral print handbag to a more fall-like orange Cole Haan bag I've had for a few years but still love.  

Over the weekend I'll switch out my real summery clothing and start sorting my closet for donations and consignment shop.  

I hope you have wonderful plans for the weekend, relaxing and connecting with friends and family.  See you on Monday.  

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