Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Most Lovely of Weekends

As mother of the bride, I was able to surreptitiously take this photo during my daughter's wedding on Sunday.  I know I am prejudiced but I think she was stunningly beautiful bride and she married an incredible man who I am thrilled to call my son-in-law.

The entire wedding weekend was as perfect as could have been hoped for and the love and support of family and friends was extraordinary.  

I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.  The unofficial end of summer came too soon.  Are you ready for fall and back to school?  

I think I'll take a few days off to decompress.  See you on Thursday. 


  1. Of course she's stunning...
    and her wedding gown is lovely.

    Congratulations and best wishes to the couple ♥

  2. I was thinking about you and wondering how everything went - it looks beautiful and her dress is stunning:) Hope you are recovered!!


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