Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Monday

Happy Monday! 
I hope you had a lovely weekend filled with family and friends, celebrations and good times.

I had the most spectacular of weekends.  Lots of long walk around Sydney harbor and the through the botanic gardens.  The weather was fantastic with lots of people out and about.   

Opera House Roof-line

Saturday night we had dinner at the Opera Bar which is an outdoor setting at the famed Opera House.  Not only were there fireworks from the nearby outdoor performance of La Traviata but we were treated to the splendid sight of a cruise ship leaving the harbor at night with all of it's lights on. 

After an amazingly moving Easter service at the beautiful St. Andrew's Cathedral, our son showed us around the North Sydney and some beautiful vistas.  We are in Sydney primarily to visit our son who lives and works here.  

Have a wonderful start to your week.

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