Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Musings

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a weekend of recreation and relaxation.  

How true is this quote?  I think I'm really drawn to this Pinterest Pick because of the image!  But it is apropos for me as I have just started another online photo class.  I like a challenge and a goal.  

I started reading The Hunger Games.  Everyone I talk to has read it and loved it and now that the movie is out I figured it was about time I read it.  I'm just getting started but I can see how you can get hooked on it.  The writing is quite simplistic but that will make for a quick read.  Have you read the books or seen the movie?

On Friday I picked up this awesome scarf at The Gap.  It goes with just about anything except red or purple.  I'm going to get a lot of mileage out of this one.  

I hope today is a great start to your week.  Happy Monday.

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