Monday, April 23, 2012

Parting Shots

It's my last day in Australia.  I spent the weekend in Melbourne visiting friends I rarely get to see.  I got to do some sightseeing and enjoyed beautiful autumn weather. 

I had had guided tour of the Aboriginal art at the Ian Potter Centre.  I really like this art style, which is quite modern.  After viewing the cave painting at Uluru, I understand what some of the symbols mean.   (Photos are not allowed, I found these images online)

Roof top herb garden with citrus trees and bee hives.  

Unusual food from the Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne

I ate kangaroo while in Australia and it is very good, tastes like beef.  Also had wallaby and crocodile.  
Well, it will be plane food for me tomorrow as I head home to the US.  I'm quite certain "roo" will not be on the menu.  

Have a great week.  


  1. SAFE TRAVELS!! can't wait to hear all! how interesting to try such different foods.....xoxo

  2. I hope you enjoyed your time in Melbourne. It's a great city. Those are my photos at the Ian Potter Centre; glad you liked them.


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