Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Musings

I'm thrilled that my garden has thrived in the miserable, record setting temperatures

I harvested the first beets, carrots and flowers last week.  The romaine lettuce formed beautiful large heads and I have plenty of herbs to choose from.  I roasted the beets and the carrot made its way into an Asian beef salad, flavored with cilantro and basil.  

Zinnias and basil comprise most of this garden square.  I'll be harvesting frisee (far right) this week too.

The first zinnias.

The good news is the weather is much cooler and I can open the doors and windows and hear the birds and the fountain in the pond again.  

Wishing you a COOL Monday.


  1. look at you, mrs green thumb! mine is brown. i literally have 1 plant that's alive

  2. Looks like your garden is doing great in spite of the heat. Zinnas are our favorite cut flower, but we got a late start planting this year plus the birds ate a lot of the seeds.


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