Monday, July 30, 2012

Pure Barre: Exercise

I've tried a new way to exercise that avoids running, jumping, bouncing, and punching.

Barre exercise is a total body workout that uses small isometric movements to tone, and strengthen muscles, burn fat, increase flexibility.  There is a quick flow to the movements that increases your heart rate.

No ballet experience needs for barre exercise as the barre is just a "prop" to hold onto for a deeper stretch.  Other equipment is a mat, tubing, a small ball and some 1-3 lb. weights.  The classes are taught in a mirrored studio to energetic music by capable instructors who challenge, encourage and kindly correct your movements.  

My experience has been with Pure Barre.  There are many other "brands" of barre exercise technique.  This exercise technique can be as intense as you choose to make it. It is all about tucking and squeezing your abs and other muscles.  The squeezing or contracting of the muscles results in tiny movements.  Repetitions of these contractions will leave you shaking if you are giving it your all.  The technique uses all of your muscle groups.  You leave the studio feeling tired but standing taller and feeling longer.  

Here is a link to Pure Barre. See if there is a studio near you.  Perhaps your gym offers barre classes or there may be other kinds of barre studios nearby.  Give this workout a try!

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