Thursday, August 9, 2012

Making Mustard

Mustard is a condiment I use daily.  I recently read a blog that gave directions for making mustard.  I had never given it any thought but reading the process, I saw it was quite easy so I thought I'd give it a try.

    Making your own mustard takes just a few minutes.  You can use mustard powder, also known as mustard flour or use mustard seed.  This recipe uses mustard flour.  

1 cup dry mustard (powder/flour)
1 cup cider vinegar
1/3 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Mix the 5 ingredients in a small pot and whisk over medium heat about 5 minutes.

Your mustard will be thick and smooth.  Allow to cool.  Refrigerate your mustard and consume within a few weeks or use a hot water canning bath to can the mustard and keep up to one year.

Here's the finished product in a mustard pot with wooden paddle.

I added some olive oil and chili oil to the mustard and used it to baste baby back ribs that I had slow roasted in the oven prior to grilling.  The mustard gave the ribs a great flavor.  

One of the things I purchase in Paris is Maille mustard.

At the boutique Maille in Paris, mustard is pumped through a tap into ceramic jars.

I recycle and take my jars back to Paris and wait in line to have them filled.  There is a traditional Dijon, a coarse ground mustard and then a "flavor of the day", perhaps a variety made with chardonay.  Right now my jars are empty.  I either need to make more mustard or take a trip!

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