Friday, August 17, 2012

Sleepy in Seattle

After three active days in Seattle, I'm exhausted.  BUT, my alarm is set for 3:45 am for a 6 AM flight and part two of my vacation.

This photo was taken in Volunteer Park, Seattle.  The placement of this sculpture makes it about impossible to pass up a photo with a view of the Seattle Space Needle in the center of the "wheel".

The weather put on quite a show this week with perfectly blue skies and warm temperatures.  Having lived here for 3 years (quite a while ago) I know that Seattleites treasure these days because they are rare.  

Swimming in Lake Washington at Madison Park.

I can't resist a stroll through the Pike Place Market...the oldest continuing public market in the country.  Opened in 1907, this farmers' market attracts 10 million visitors a year!  
I bought the best peach I've ever eaten at the market this week.  I had to eat it over the sink as it was so juicy. (and delicious!)

A rooftop herb and vegetable garden growing in downtown Seattle.

A view of Seattle from a Duck tour on Lake Union.

On to Montana for fishing and hiking.  
Have a fabulous weekend.

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