Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are You Registered?

Today is National Voter Registration Day.
Are you registered?  Have you moved and need to register in your new location?  The presidential election is 7 weeks from today.  You could easily register online or look for a local registration event.  

Are you going to be out of town for the election?  Request an absentee ballot.  

Maybe you know a college student that won't be home to vote, or an elderly person who can't leave home to cast their vote, they are eligible for an absentee ballot as are military personnel serving away from their home voting precinct.  These are the circumstances that allow for absentee ballots in Michigan:
  • age 60 years old or older
  • unable to vote without assistance at the polls
  • expecting to be out of town on election day
  • in jail awaiting arraignment or trial
  • unable to attend the polls due to religious reasons
  • appointed to work as an election inspector in a precinct outside of your precinct of residence.
Check with your state's Secretary of State webpage for information regarding obtaining an absentee ballot.  

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