Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Flatbread Foto

I'm taking an online food photography class, Souvenir Foto School: Food + Foto.  The way the class works is that there is a four course menu for the month.  Each week we have an assignment to photograph one course.  We are given recipes and we are to all photograph the same thing.  Of course everyone's interpretation of the menu course is personal so the photo styling varies.  And, some people choose not to cook so they purchase the food and then take the photo, which is acceptable in this class as it is about photography and not cooking skill.  

The first course, last week's photo, was flatbread or focaccia.  I choose to use one of my favorite recipes and this is my photo.  

Julie's Flatbread -
I thought I'd share this with you because the bread is REALLY good and not difficult.  The bread dough uses flour and cornmeal and has a nice texture.  I baked in on my grill and it only took a few minutes.  Click here for the recipe.  My adaptation used just sage and thinly sliced onions on the top of the bread.  I made about 6 "loaves" rather than the 12 described in the recipe.  I found that I can freeze the dough and use it at another time if I only want a few loaves at a time.  

Bon Appetit! 


  1. Oh you did a great job there,
    the red chili made it look more colorful
    and sumptuous.

  2. Beautiful! Im going to try that recipe, looks delicious.

  3. Your photos look just as delicious as I imagine this bread to be! I am so excited to be in this class with you - I can't wait to see what you come up with for assignment 2! :)

  4. It looks yummy and mouth watering flatbread, i will surely going to try this in my kitchen for kids and friend. Thanks for sharing such a yummy flat bread


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