Thursday, October 18, 2012

Quotidian Considerations

No, this is not a recipe post.  I just thought I'd share my latest photo submission for the online photography class I'm taking.  The assignment was to make your interpretation of a caprese salad and photograph it. I think this looks like a party on a plate with the chiffonnade of basil being confetti.  

Here's a book recommendation.

I just finished reading this book and I loved it.  It was recommended by my friend, Suzanne.  I was traveling and had just finished the reading material I had taken with me and was desperate for something to read.  I checked my emails and there was a message from Suzanne with this suggestion.  I immediately downloaded the book and began to read...and laugh.  The book was written by Maria Semple, a comedy writer for television shows such as Mad About You and Arrested Development.  The story takes place in Seattle, a city Maria decided she disliked almost immediately upon moving there from Los Angeles.  Bernadette, the heroine of the book, disliked Seattle also.  Read the book to find out where exactly Bernadette went, and how IF they found her.  You can read the NY Times interview with Ms. Semple here and an NPR review here.

Wednesday was one of those gorgeous autumn days that you wish wouldn't end.

I'm busy making jewelry for the holidays.  I think this one of my favorites.  
Very simple but I love a collection of all types of bangles on my arm.

Have a lovely day.

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