Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bespoke: Box of Awesome

Not long ago, a box was delivered to the house.  

I didn't recognize the box as anything I had ordered.

The writing on the box called it "Box of Awesome".  I opened the box and it was awesome.  Had someone sent us a gift?  Hubby came home and said, "Oh, I subscribed to this.  Saw it in Details magazine.  The Bespoke Post is a men's subscription service.  Each month a "box of awesome" arrives.  The value of the box is around $70 but the price is $45...if you decide to keep the box.  You may return that month's selections if it is not something that interests you.

The selections are not sample sizes but full-sized and theme based.  This box was a "spread worthy of a king".

The foundation was a slate cheese board.  

Oil and vinegar imported from Italy.

A pork sausage.

Spanish smoked okra.

A sweet treat of Burbon Brittle. 
 A gift card for the online store, Caskers.com was also included toward the purchase of an artisanal spirit.  Add a bottle of red and some good bread and you are ready for some good eating.

  • Last month, the box contained 6 pairs of very cool, colorful, men's socks. Also included were two very significant gift cards for men's haberdashery.
  • The theme next month is cocktails.
If you are interested in receiving a "box of awesome" or sending the subscription as a gift to someone, check it out by clicking here.  This may just be the solution for that guy that is impossible to buy for.


  1. That is really awesome,
    a monthly box of awesome surprises.
    Props to your hubby for subscribing.

  2. went to the "box of awesome" website. GREAT gift ideas even if you don't subscribe. great find!


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