Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Musings

Happy Monday everyone.  I hope you feel rested and relaxed from the weekend.  My weekend was a nice mix of entertainment and exertion.  
Hubby and I saw Anna Karenina with some friends.  Have you seen the movie?  We both read the book and thought the theatrical (literally) adaptation was creative and engaging.  Reading reviews of the movie, you'll have to decide for yourself.  At the very least, it was visual eye-candy. 
While boxing the Christmas decorations, hubby asked if there weren't some things we could get rid of in the basement.  I immediately handed him 3 boxes of his things to "edit and delete", which he did.  That lead to a frenzy of sorting, tossing and re-boxing for giveaway.  I decided I could live without my kindergarten report card and old newspaper clippings.  Hubby pitched his military paperwork and old house construction receipts.  We decided that it was time to get rid of the toys we were holding on to from our children.  If we have grandchildren, I don't want them putting those decades old toys in their mouths!!
I made some comfort food for the weekend.  Sunday night was creamy polenta and beef ragu based on this recipe.  I also made chicken chili, another hearty meal for a cold night.  

Tomorrow I'll share a new baking book and cookie recipe.  
Have a great start to your week.



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