Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013

For my first post of 2013, I'm not going to mention going back to the gym or getting rid of the Christmas sweets or putting away the holiday decorations.  I'd rather talk about something more fun and frivolous.  

Several weeks ago Pantone announced that the color of the year for 2013 is Emerald.  While not a color I use for home decor, it is my birthstone (May) and I have two lovely rings with emerald stones.  I don't think I own any pieces of clothing that are emerald green.  

Whenever I think about a green dress I think of the lyrics in the song, 
     If I had a million dollars
     (If I had a million dollars)
     Well, I'd buy you a green dress
    (But not a real green dress, that's cruel)

So I guess that is why I shy away from buying a green dress.
These women look stunning in emerald green and the red carpet is the perfect contrast to the verdant jewel hue.
I'll take the emerald stone over the color in a dress any day.
These earrings are amazingly beautiful.

A little bit of green goes a long way.  You don't want to be mistaken for a leprechaun.

Emerald accessories

Emerald accessories by spiralstyle 

 Safe to say that most of the green in my decor will be from plants

and the food in my kitchen.

How about you?  Do you decorate with green or wear it?

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. I look best in jewel tones, so I own green, including green pants!


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