Friday, January 29, 2010

Giveaway Winner

Thanks so much for the great response to my giveaway this week.
Spiral Style has added 20 new subscribers.
Thanks for all the great comments of what you'd like to see in this blog.
I appreciate your comments.  Some of you gave me great information that I will share in coming posts.  
I plan to introduce a new giveaway that will extend throughout the month of February so check back Monday for the details.
And the winner is.....5  
Amber said..
I follow you with google friend connect and I love your recipes and new item posts. I'd love to see more bracelets         in your shop.Thank you for the giveaway :)hurdler4eva(at)gmail(dot)com

Amber will receive these silver earrings.

Thanks everyone for your participation .
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.


  1. i missed the giveaway! bummer. i must stop traveling to see family. congrats to amber...
    debbie, i love seeing your beautiful jewelry and the pictures of your yummy food. great ideas for so many things.
    thanks for all your hard work to keep us on the cutting edge!

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Thanks for your comments. I love to hear from readers of Spiral Style