Monday, April 5, 2010

Capital Blossoms

I happened to be in Washington, DC over the Easter weekend.  The cherry blossoms were at their peak and breathtaking.  The district was filled with families and school class trips touring the nation's capital and taking in the sights/sites.  DC is one of my favorite places to visit and I used to live in the area a long time ago.  As an American, I am proud of the beauty and history of our national capital monumnents, mall, govenment edifices, Smithsonian and other national  treasures.  If a visitor to the United States sees nothing of our country but Washington, DC, then I would be proud of the view of America gleaned from the abundance of history, patriotism, and  pride evident in this great city.


  1. Gorgeous picture!!! i love love cherry blossoms! i love how the clouds are a bit pink too!


  2. Beautiful picture!! Wish we could grow them here.


  3. Oh, that's amazing! Wish i could see that in live.


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