Friday, April 2, 2010

Fragrant Memory

I have a very strong olfactory memory stimulated by the fragrance of lilies and hyacinths.  When I was a little girl, the volunteer fire company in our town raised funds by selling Easter plants.  On Good Friday, my mother would take me and my sisters to the fire house to choose a plant to decorate our house for Easter.  There would be row upon row of blooming daffodils, tulips, and crocus but my favorite were the aromatic lilies and hyacinths.  I have a lily and a hyacinth in my house this season and each time I walk by and smell the lovely fragrances, I am carried back as a little girl to the firehouse.
If you believe and celebrate, have a Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Deb,
    I have the same memories, and I have both every year, too! Glad you are here for Easter.


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