Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Arrived Disguised as Summer

Unreal high temperatures for March, set three new records here in Michigan this week.  Trees are budding, grass is getting green and birds are busy building nests.  The sun has been shining and I have a little tan going on just from running outside and walking the dogs.    

miniature daffodils

species tulips

spring beauties

Back to reality however.  Rain has arrived as have cooler temps.  That's ok.  I'd like to enjoy Spring and not rush summer.  

So what do you have going on this weekend?  Hubby and I are hosting a dinner party.  I'll share the special cocktail I'm serving as well as other recipes next week. 

Enjoy your weekend.  Do something fun and something relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your pretty spring flowers. We planted a zillion red tulips several years ago, then started spending our winters in Florida and have never seen them bloom. We ask our BIL to go over and take a picture of the daffodils. Bulbs don't do well in Florida.

    Enjoy your dinner party and have a lovely weekend.


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