Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Reflections

I love to entertain at home.  Casual, impromptu  get togethers are fun but I love to go all out and throw a dinner party with multiple courses and a pretty table setting.  

I decided to use red chargers with brown, silk-like napkins and yellow candles and flowers.

I used multiple glass and silver vessels for flowers and candle holders.  The daffodils were from my yard.

After a starter of grilled mushroom and gruyere pizza, we cleansed our palate with lemon, rosemary sorbet. 

The main course was caramel orange scallops, a recipe from Dorie Greenspan's book, Around My French Table.  
Of course the best thing about a dinner party is the guests.  We had a wonderful time with really fun, interesting people.

How do you like to entertain?  
I'll share the special drink and dessert later in the week.  Stay tuned.

Have a wonderful Monday.


  1. That is one lovely and festive table setting...
    Love the reds in there.

  2. The table truly was lovely and the food delicious! Thanks again for a wonderful evening!

    1. Thanks Suzanne and good luck finding blue shoes.

  3. looks absolutely fabulous!!! wow...what lucky guests!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    i love to entertain too...

  4. The dinner looks phenomenal! I love the daffodils just writing daffodil makes me smile:)


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