Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Musings

Renee's Kitchen Magic (egg, bacon, cheddar on sesame bagel) Zingerman's 

After a leisurely dinner on Friday night on our deck with great friends, Saturday got off to a frenzied start.  Hubby invited about 10 more guests for a backyard barbecue than I had expected!  Yikes!  With a menu in mind, we headed off to the Farmer's Market in Ann Arbor to stock up.  Then a brief break for breakfast at our favorite Saturday morning spot, Zingerman's deli.  Next stop was our garden where we harvested beans, herbs and greens for the evening meal.  

I was still assembling appetizer trays as the first guests arrived.  Hubby requested deviled eggs and they were a huge it.  Everyone devoured.  Who knew?  I find the beverage dispensers from Pottery Barn to be indispensable for outdoor, summer entertaining.  I use them for our Christmas party too.   In one I floated mint, lime slices and blueberries in ice water.  The other held a Campari/grapefruit cocktail.  

I was so busy the entire evening that I never got to take more photos.  I must say that I never had such disastrous luck with desserts.  The peaches and plums from the Farmer's Market fell apart in my hands as I tried to cut them for a tart.  I was lucky enough to get enough to add to the blueberries and raspberries I had on hand to make one tart.  I used my last two eggs to makes some brownies to add to the World Peace cookies I made earlier.  I thought that would be enough with the delicious home made vanilla ice cream, quietly churning behind the mudroom door.  But alas, when I went for the ice cream, it was SOUP!  The freezer bowl was not frozen and so the ice cream did not freeze.  I quickly made up some whipped cream with the last of the cream in the refrigerator.  No one was the wiser.  

I guess the morale is, you can make due if you have a well stocked pantry and refrigerator. OR, a two day notice for a party is a very good idea.

Happy Monday
Happy Birthday Betsy

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun! I haven't mastered the "no hitch" party skill, but when friends are around, it always ends up being much better than I ever anticipated. I hope this was the case with your impromptu party as well!


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