Friday, September 23, 2011

Week's End & Goodbye to Summer

This week seemed to fly by but it was productive.  I'm ready for a change of pace this weekend.  

Remember our Leader Dog puppy, Sydney?  Today she moves to South Carolina where she will be a Leader Dog for a blind man.  I was able to meet the gentleman this past week and see him in action with Sydney.  Yes, Sydney did remember me and it was so good to see her.  She sailed through her training and will be a wonderful help and companion to her partner, Tony.  

 I made a rustic plum tart and decided to bake it on my pizza stone.  The crust dough must have been too rich and the plum juices leaked all over the stone and oven creating quite a "burned" odor.  The tart totally fell apart and I scraped it onto a platter.  It looked like a train wreck!  Did I throw it away?  Heck no, I scooped the juicy plums and buttery rich crust into stemmed dessert glasses and topped it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  Hubby declared it delicious.  

I did redeem myself with this mushroom/onion/Gruyere pizza.  

For the first day of fall, my deck flowers are still flourishing.  I'm actually embracing cooler weather, sweaters and scarves.

I spotted this inspirational list from makeup artist and business woman, Bobbi Brown.  I think it is a good way to close the week.

Have a most pleasant weekend.  See you on Monday.


  1. love how you rectified your tart. i did the same thing recently with a party that didn't turn out.

  2. Your deck flowers look gorgeous!

  3. Helper dogs are so amazing ... every time I see one working it totally warms my heart!


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