Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Musings: Autumn

No denying that autumn is here so a little autumnal decor is in order.  A mum from the Farmers Market is a perfect solution.  

When fall arrives, I like to use seasonal produce.  I couldn't resist the butternut squash at the market.  

Sage is an herb I tend to reserve for the autumn months.  I guess it is because I associate it with Thanksgiving.  It is a pretty looking herb and very pungent.  I love it with white beans and sausage as well as turkey, chicken and pork. 

The butternut squash was roasted and combined with bacon and sage for this risotto.  You can view the recipe here.  This Risotto with Butternut Squash and Sage would be perfect for Meatless Monday.  If you are really strict about being meatless, use vegetarian broth and eliminate the bacon.  

Dimply Plum Cake Baking, from my home to yours by Dorie Greenspan

A plum cake for dessert or breakfast.  See blog post here.  This is a favorite with hubby for a mid-morning snack at work.

I hope you had a relaxing weekend and got to spend some time outdoors.  Have a fabulous Monday.  XXOO

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