Friday, February 24, 2012

Last February Weekend

I've noticed this week that the sky is brighter when I open the blinds at 6:30 am...a sure sign that spring is on the way.  Mardi Gras has come and gone and Lent is underway.  

These little daffodils shoots are poking through my garden, a sure sign of spring.  But a few hours after this photo was taken, they were covered with several inches of snow.  

I signed up for my community garden plot this week and purchased seeds in anticipation of planting. 

I think I am rushing the season but I'll pretend spring is right around the corner.

Have a wonderful weekend.  See you on Monday.


  1. What a gorgeous little garden! I really need to learn to garden - if only for the flowers!

    Andrea x

  2. it was so warm here thuesday! i had the air on and it was 78. and now it's in the 50s.

  3. Those daffodils look so hopeful ... can't wait for the green of Spring to arrive! xxCat


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