Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Musings

Happy Monday dear readers.  I hope you are rested and relaxed from the weekend.  I enjoyed a slower pace and some quality time with hubby that started with a nice dinner out at one of our favorite spots.

A delicious pomegranate cosmo

I booked several vacations for guests at our Bahamas house.  I wish I was there myself but in the meantime, I'm glad others can enjoy this idyllic spot.  I did spend some time planning vacations for hubby and me later in the year.  

Do you love shopping on  I do, and I did.  I had this book downloaded to my Kindle.  It is a prize winner and was made into a movie starring Ralph Fiennes and Cate Blanchett.  I'll let you know how I like it when I finish reading.

Sunday night we had a dinner party to welcome some new neighbors.  A great way to end the weekend.

Have a pleasant Monday.

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