Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Save Memories: Digitalize Slides

In the not so distant past, using film was the way to capture images!  Remember that?

Yesterday I mentioned that I was now using my old film cameras as bookends.  I've got two digital cameras and more often than not, I use the camera on my iPhone.

As young parents, hubby and I took copious amounts of photos and we used a film that could be developed as slides or prints.  I have 4 boxes or carefully edited and noted slides of our family.  It has been at least a decade since anyone in our family has view the slides projected onto a screen.

I did some research and realized I could have slides digitalized for a very reasonable fee.  I decided this would make wonderful anniversary gift for hubby, who was the primary photo taker and therefor absent in most of the captured images.

I edited our accumulated slides to 320.  I chose a company, FotoBridge, to digitalized the slides. I requested a directory of numbered thumbnail images to correspond with the DVD of the digitalized images.  This makes finding the image you want very easy.  The turn around from door to door was about two weeks and they returned the slides in the same order that they were mailed to the lab.

Now I can print photos from the slides and create albums and do all the things you normally do with digitalized photos on your computer.  

If you or anyone in your family has a plethora of slides gathering dust, consider digitalizing the slides so that you can remember all the occasions that called for a photo way back when.  

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